‘The Plant-Based Diet Revolution’: Nutritional Information.

The ‘Plant-Based Diet Revolution’ contains over 80 beautifully illustrated recipes that recipes are built exclusively from plants. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices combined in delicious meals to fuel your microbiome and set you on the path to a healthier gut, heart, body and mind. Each recipe includes the following key information:

Plant score: The number of plants that the recipe puts on your plate.  The key to achieving a healthy gut microbiome is increasing the total number of unique plants in your diet. The plant score helps to keep track of your weekly total. Hitting more than 30 different plants per week is a great initial target. 

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Grams of fibre per serving: The main meals contain an average 18g of fibre per serving, while the lighter meals have an average of 12g. The minimum recommended fibre intake for an adult is 30g per day.

Grams of protein per serving:  Where do you get your protein? From plants! The main meals contain an average 24g of protein per serving, while the lighter meals have an average of 15g.

Gluten information:  The recipes for the revolution include plenty of gluten-free options that do not compromise on taste. We've also provided easy gluten-free swaps whenever possible. These are clearly marked on each recipe. 

As explained in the book, a key concept in joining the revolution is to move beyond macronutrients. By filling your plate with unprocessed plants and following the basic principles of healthy eating you will fuel your body with all the nutrients you need. However, if you have specific caloric requirements or macronutrient needs for medical reasons, you can access the full calorie count and nutritional break down for every recipe and for the 28-day Revolution meal plan here. This comprehensive dietetic analysis was completed by Registered Dietitian Rosie Martin.


Nutritional Information for All Recipes

Nutritional Summary for ‘the 28-Day Revolution’ meal-plan

Access the scientific references and sources here

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